


The Mother of Norias, Hama, is a city on the banks of the Orontes River in west central

Syria, it’s famous for its seventeen large norias that are 20 metres in diameter, which dates back to the fourteenth century; Used to irrigate the city’s gardens, which flank the river and makes Hama a breath-taking piece of art with all of its colors and diversity.

Hama has many different attractions, such as its museum “Al Azem Castle” which is considered one of the most beautiful urban monuments in the Ottoman era, it overlooks the Orontes River with its majestic dome.

There is also one of the oldest castles in history, The Castle of Hama; Built on a large aggregate hill during the fifth millennium B.C, unfortunately the castle lost its battle against time, all that remains of the castle is the stone plating that surrounds the hill on which the castle is built.

Hama also has two ancient mosques:

The Great Mosque of Hama, which was built in the eighth century C.E, it has two minarets, the first one is a square-based tower adjacent to the prayer hall and from an inscription on its surface, the second minaret is octagonal in shape.

Nur al-Din Mosque, it was founded 1163 C.E, it also contained a historic minbar from the same date, which is now held at the local museum.

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